CBD Endoca


At Endoca, our all natural, whole plant CBD products are of distinct quality and are crafted from the finest organic hemp extracts. Enriched with beneficial CBD (Cannabidiol), as well as numerous other phytocompounds, terpenes and vitamins. Our diverse CBD product range includes CBD oils, CBD capsules, CBD cream and more. We might be known for selling CBD products, but we believe in 360 wellness, so we’ve also created an all organic raw food supplements line to complete your Endoca health journey.


In the hemp industry, there is a general lack of standards for producers. Most public laboratories have difficulties collecting reliable test results for a number of reasons.We treat testing very seriously here at Endoca and thus spend large amounts of money and resources doing quality control. We strive to constantly improve our product and to ensure the quality and consistency of our product is consistently above par.

We hope to raise the bar for the quality of the hemp industry products by setting an example. We hope to encourage hemp producers to raise the standards of their products through analytics and quality assurance and raise the quality of the whole industry. We wish to partner with other producers to discuss techniques and expertise in hemp cultivation and hopefully raise the bar for the hemp industry by ensuring quality and consumer safety.

Many products on the market contain pesticides, herbicides, mold, fungi and dangerous mycotoxins. We use cutting-edge testing and world-class equipment to ensure that our products are safe and healthy. We test for over 200 different pesticides, heavy metals and mycotoxins. Our quality is verified by our GMP certification and third party laboratory testing.

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